Thursday, September 27, 2012


We had a sick goat, she got into the chicken feed, and it was a mess! He pooh turned into cow patties. I was told to give her some pepto so I pulled my hair back put on crappy clothes expecting a war! She just nicely licked it all LOL I was hoping to give u all a funny story but it's pretty boring. She fine now and her milk productions is back to normal. The others are doing well, Billy is still a horny teenager! Rosie is going through heat again so the kids stay away since he gets a little playful!
Micah was been practicing his milking he's getting pretty good at it!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Farmer Brian

hoping to get it enclosed this week!
Brian has had to cover a lot of thee animal care the last few days since I've been so busy with the wedding.  He has learned how to milk now :) The house may be a mess, and the barn semi clean but the animals managed to get fed and milked the last few days!  Tonight when I went to put the chickens up I only counted 15 which lead me on a hunt.  I called Brian out and with big flashlights we started our hunt!  She was hiding in the garage behind a seeder. This one is one of the good layers so I'm glad I was able to keep her safe.  Mr. Cluck Cluck must have heard me talking to her because he started cock-a-doodle-doing until he laid eyes on her.  When I put her in the coop he jumped down and pecked her neck, talk about a control freak!  I stayed till he settled back down I didn't want any domestic abuse tonight.  I guess when your trying to juggle 15 girls your anger comes out on someone :D  Well off to milk!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wedding Week

This week we are preparing to celebrate my sister's wedding.  The big kids are excited because there will be a party and they get to walk down the isle at the church, which is typical since they love parties and being the center of attention.  Tonight we had the rehearsal which allowed me to meet all the brides maids and grooms men.  It was such a fun group the wedding will be a blast!  The dinner was at a great restaurant downtown, and of course no trip to minneapolis would be complete without a trip past sex world.  As we were stuck at a red light in front of it I was hoping Micah wouldn't try his new reading skills!
   After yummy food we headed home only to have a drunk man fall of his bike in front of our car.  (A quick 911 call later we were on our way home).
 School this week is going great! Micah has learned to read, Thank you All About Reading! It's so fun watching him blossom, he is eager to read now, something I thought would never happen!
  Our animals are doing good, still all crazy, but good.  The hens are still laying we have added a couple heat lamps (we really should put some plywood in front of the opening to keep the heat in).  we're still getting over 10 eggs a day. One of the girls loves to sit so I'm thinking we'll have some chicks in the spring.
  Rosie and Buttercup are doing well.  Rosie has already started her heat cycles, and I'm praying she's pregnant...less to milk in the winter!
  Well off to bed nails in the morning.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

God grabs our attention

A few weeks ago I started thinking it may be time to start looking for a new family vehicle.  Since I bought the van almost 6 years ago I haven't even looked a "new" car.  Anyways I dismissed the thought, since we're saving for a new house.  I shouldn't have done so. After a relaxing labor day morning I took all three kids and ran to the outlet mall a few miles from home.  Did all our shopping, loaded all the kids up, and the van didn't start.  It wasn't not the battery.  THe car wouldn't register the it being in park so therefore wouldn't start.  The tow truck brought us home and we ended up leaving it at the mall since i didn't know where to have it towed.  The next day Bri and I ran over there and rechecked it looked at all the spark plugs.  Today the truck brought it to a dealer when I showed up with the keys it started right up! I sold the thing to them and we're looking for a new car.  Next time I think it'll be cheaper to just listen to God when he gives us a nudge we won't wait for a shove.
   School is going well the kids are having fun with it still granted we're only 3 days into it.  Friday, is homeschool group and the kids can hardly wait for it.  Micah has a speech eval tomorrow.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A week of crazies!

dead mouse number 1 and best of all he did get the cheese, trap is reset and ready for mouse #2
Auntie Allie and Micah 

 I have a moment to breath and the computer happens to be in front of me.   This week has been crazy but when I look back I'm not sure with what!  We've been dealing with mice in the house.  My first attempt was a fail I basically just fed the stupid things.  However, I got new traps and caught one last night, and learned we have HUGE mice! My dad asked if they were cross bread with rats!

 Yesterday, we enjoyed a day at the lake cabin with family.  The kids ran and played hard all day.  Passing out in the van on the way home.  At supper Eli started screaming like crazy when I looked at my watch it was 7pm on the dot. This child is going to have ME on a schedule soon!  Anyways we rushed home and he was in bed by 745 out cold!  

ready for bed!

At the cabin Chris brought his kayak so the kids paddled around in it. I think the adults got just as much as a workout from playing as the kids did!

Micah Cameron and Sarah

Today Dad and Mom came over to help fix my computer, the wifi wasn't working.  While Dad was working on that Mom was outside taking lots of pictures with her super duper camera.  As a result I now have wonderful pictures of all our wonderful animals.

Below is a funny stories but content revolves around animals in heat, you have been warned!
Lady sticking out her tongue at Rosie

Thing One and Thing Two eating

Mr. Cluck Cluck strutting his stuff looking for one of the girls


Todays eggs

Baloo waiting for a signal, he LOVES herding the girls!

Rosie and the girls 

My horny adolescent goat "Billy"
 SO Mr. Horny here is in full swing of puberty right now, if he was a human he'd be locked up for indecent exposure and ATTEMPTED rape!  Rosie started her heat cycles for the year.  Goats are in heat around september through march, and are only fertile 1-2 days a month.  Anyways a few days ago I was milking one of the girls and Brian was out talking to me.  Billy got out and jumped on the milking table he was out of my site.  Brian yells, "Holy COW" I look up thinking he's giving me crap about my pants being to low or something. I looked up at him and he was wide eyed staring at Billy. I looked over Buttercup and There was Billy with his 8" fire truck, now if he was just cleaning it no big deal but Billy is a special goat and was practically nursing on it!  The next few days after this event he was driving the girls crazy trying to mount them every chance he got.  We kept the kids inside that day just incase Billy got to frisky and bucked at the kids.